
Certificate 项目

bwin体育大学 匹兹堡大学 at the Center for Urban Biblical Ministry offers certificate programs to help church ministers and lay leaders to complete training in specific facets of Christian ministry, 领导, and other ministry-related disciplines. A certificate from bwin体育大学 匹兹堡大学 can help you on your journey wherever you are in service or ministry.

Certification from bwin体育大学 匹兹堡大学 is the perfect pathway toward an applicable degree program, and can serve as a great way to try out a new area of study!

Our classes are offered in the evenings and on Saturdays to work with your schedule, and each course costs $99—with no enrollment fee and minimal book costs! Classes are currently online, 和同步, so you meet with your professors and classmates in real-time.

Apply online or contact our admissions counselor at 412-247-9010 for more information.

Certificates Available


“Oh how I love your law! It is my meditation all the day. Your commandment makes me wiser than my enemies, for it is ever with me.” – Psalm 119:97-98

The Word of God is the Christian’s infallible rule for faith and life. Establish a solid knowledge of scripture and discover tools to help with your study of the Bible. To earn your certificate in 圣经知识 you will take:

  • Old Testament Survey
  • New Testament Survey
  • 圣经神学
  • How to Read and Study the Bible
  • African American Theology
  • 人文学科



Dive into many aspects of Kingdom ministry, learning practical theology for Christian outreach, 传福音, 和服务. The courses in this certificate cover a range of ministry-related topics to help prepare you to step into the field or improve your formal training as a current ministry professional.  To earn your certificate in Christian Ministry you will take:

  • Spiritual Formation
  • 传福音
  • 城市神学
  • Two Elective Classes in Bible or Theology



Become a skilled servant-leader with the tools and knowledge to head your ministry non-profit more effectively. This program includes a biblical foundation for 领导 and practical training to apply your knowledge. To earn your certificate in 领导 you will take:

  • History of Urban 领导
  • 领导 and 道德
  • 领导 and Communications
  • Spiritual Formation
  • How to St艺术 a Nonprofit Organization


Missions and Missions Mobilization

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.——马特. 28:19-20

Whether your mission field is across the ocean or down the street, develop the knowledge and skills to become more effective in missions. To earn a certificate in Missions and Missions Mobilization, you will take:

  • Global Missions in the Local Church
  • World Christian Movement
  • Race and Immigration
  • Topics in Christian Ministry
  • Culture and Communications



Learn the history of 艺术s and the Church, and become familiar with the fundamentals of music, 艺术, and drama ministry. To earn a certificate in 音乐/戏剧/艺术 you will take:

  • Music History: History of Gospel Music
  • Fundamentals of Conducting I
  • 戏剧概论
  • Music Survey I: Survey of the History of Dance in the Church
  • 剧院实习

In our 人类服务 certificate program, learn to provide care and connect people to the resources they need. Learn to help children, 成年人, 家庭, and communities to address and overcome challenges from a biblical perspective. To earn a certificate in 人类服务 you will take:

  • Introduction to Helping Skills
  • Child Abuse and Family Violence
  • Foundations of addiction
  • 病例管理
  • Crisis Intervention
  • 牧师服务
  • Pastoral Care Counseling


Urban Ministry 领导

Ministry in an urban area presents unique challenges that can only be understood by those in urban ministry. Minister to your community and learn biblical 领导 skills to tackle the issues that your community faces. This program offers a theological foundation and practical ministry skills for meeting the challenges of the urban setting. To earn a certificate in Urban Ministry 领导 you will take:

  • How to Read and Study the Bible
  • Theology of Faith, Work and Economics
  • Principles of Ethnic-Racial Reconciliation: Race Cultural and the Kingdom of God
  • 道德
  • Race and Immigration


联系 our 招生 Counselor at 412-247-9010 .